Friday, August 31, 2012

First implantation of prototype bionic eye with 24 electrodes: 'All of a sudden I could see a little flash of light'

ScienceDaily (Aug. 31, 2012) ? In a major development, Bionic Vision Australia researchers have successfully performed the first implantation of an early prototype bionic eye with 24 electrodes.

Ms Dianne Ashworth has profound vision loss due to retinitis pigmentosa, an inherited condition. She has now received what she calls a 'pre-bionic eye' implant that enables her to experience some vision. A passionate technology fan, Ms Ashworth was motivated to make a contribution to the bionic eye research program.

After years of hard work and planning, Ms Ashworth's implant was switched on last month at the Bionics Institute, while researchers held their breaths in the next room, observing via video link.

"I didn't know what to expect, but all of a sudden, I could see a little was amazing. Every time there was stimulation there was a different shape that appeared in front of my eye," Ms Ashworth said.

Professor Emeritus David Penington AC, Chairman of Bionic Vision Australia said: "These results have fulfilled our best expectations, giving us confidence that with further development we can achieve useful vision. Much still needs to be done in using the current implant to 'build' images for Ms Ashworth. The next big step will be when we commence implants of the full devices."

Professor Anthony Burkitt, Director of Bionic Vision Australia said: "This outcome is a strong example of what a multi-disciplinary research team can achieve. Funding from the Australian Government was critical in reaching this important milestone. The Bionics Institute and the surgeons at the Centre for Eye Research Australia played a critical role in reaching this point."

Professor Rob Shepherd, Director of the Bionics Institute, led the team in designing, building and testing this early prototype to ensure its safety and efficacy for human implantation. Cochlear technology supported aspects of the project.

Dr Penny Allen, a specialist surgeon at the Centre for Eye Research Australia, led a surgical team to implant the prototype at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital.

"This is a world first -- we implanted a device in this position behind the retina, demonstrating the viability of our approach. Every stage of the procedure was planned and tested, so I felt very confident going into theatre," Dr Allen said.

The implant is only switched on and stimulated after the eye has recovered fully from the effects of surgery. The next phase of this work involves testing various levels of electrical stimulation with Ms Ashworth.

"We are working with Ms Ashworth to to determine exactly what she sees each time the retina is stimulated using a purpose built laboratory at the Bionics Institute. The team is looking for consistency of shapes, brightness, size and location of flashes to determine how the brain interprets this information.

"Having this unique information will allow us to maximise our technology as it evolves through 2013 and 2014," Professor Shepherd said.

How it works

This early prototype consists of a retinal implant with 24 electrodes. A small lead wire extends from the back of the eye to a connector behind the ear. An external system is connected to this unit in the laboratory, allowing researchers to stimulate the implant in a controlled manner in order to study the flashes of light. Feedback from Ms Ashworth will allow researchers to develop a vision processor so that images can be built using flashes of light. This early prototype does not incorporate an external camera -- yet. This is planned for the next stage of development and testing.

Researchers continue development and testing of the wide-view implant with 98 electrodes and the high- acuity implant with 1024 electrodes. Patient tests are planned for these devices in due course.

About Bionic Vision Australia

Bionic Vision Australia is a national consortium of researchers from the Bionics Institute, Centre for Eye Research Australia, NICTA, the University of Melbourne and the University of New South Wales.

The National Vision Research Institute, the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital and the University of Western Sydney are project partners.

The project brings together a cross-disciplinary group of world-leading experts in the fields of ophthalmology, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering and materials science, neuroscience, vision science, psychophysics, wireless integrated-circuit design, and surgical, preclinical and clinical practice.

This research is funded by a $42 million grant over four years from the Australian Research Council (ARC) through its Special Research Initiative (SRI) in Bionic Vision Science and Technology.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Eat and Enjoy: The Simple Pleasure of Life Long Nutrition - Sunwarrior

Balancing healthy eating habits with a hectic schedule can appear difficult at best and seemingly impossible at worst. Many people become overwhelmed by their schedule and settle for fast-food and pre-made meals. Stress induced binge eating is another common dietary pitfall brought on by such a schedule. On the flipside, some people become so overly fixated with eating healthy that they obsessively spend incalculable hours researching nutritional articles and preparing food?causing stress and preventing them from enjoying the meals they spend so much time overthinking.

The problem is that people seek the ?perfect diet? when they should simply be striving for a balanced lifestyle. Is your goal to be in shape for a few weeks or months or to look and feel good for the rest of your life? Likely it is the latter, and the key to accomplishing this goal is to commit to a lifestyle that is both healthy and enjoyable, and practical enough to work long term.

The idea of a healthy lifestyle is probably conjuring up images of smaller portions, minimal alcohol consumption, and the removal of processed foods from your diet. While these are all good ideas, and things I certainly advocate for good health, the emphasis of this article is not to tell you what you can?t do, because you can do anything you want. The emphasis here is solely to encourage you to pursue a lifestyle that will truly make you happy.

So how does this all play out in a healthy day to day routine that is actually enjoyable? While there are a million approaches out there for constructing enjoyable eating habits that are also beneficial to your health, here are a few things I practice personally that I think may also work for you.

Enjoy What You Eat and You Will Never Have to ?Cheat?

The idea of a cheat day or cheat meal commonly pops up in fad diets. I believe these are recipes for unhealthy behavior and digestive stress. If you are enjoying foods you actually like all the time and balancing a proper proportion of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, it is very unlikely that you will even crave processed junk. However, that is not to say that you shouldn?t indulge from time to time.

A much better idea than planning a cheat day?and senselessly fixating over this gluttonous event that will shock your system into an indigestive coma?would be to merely apply the 90% philosophy. We are all human beings, and no diet will ever be perfect. Just enjoy what you eat every day and treat yourself sensibly and proportionality; you will be much happier and healthier in the long run. It is much easier on your body to consume small quantities of indulgent foods, even daily, than it would be to eat ?perfectly? six days in a row and then binge eat and drink everything in sight because you?re allowed to. We are all adults and we are all allowed to do whatever we want, so it is silly to allow ourselves to behave like idiots, based on the advice of businessmen, when we could just live happy, balanced lifestyles and not have to worry in the first place.

A Big Plate Without the Big Gut

Greens: the one food where less is never more. Liberally load up on as many of these as possible! If you are like me and enjoy large portions, but do not want the fat gain that often results from these portions, then greens are the perfect solution. You can simultaneously fulfill your innate desire for that big plate of food while actually doing your body a favor. Enjoy a huge salad before every meal, or if you don?t have time for this, throw greens into your smoothies?bulking up the size of your shake and its nutritional density. If you have access to a refrigerator at work, stock it up with a mix of delicious veggies, generally the greener the better. However you get them in your diet, shovel in as many of these as possible! Seriously, if you want to be big and strong like Popeye, eat that spinach! Kale, spinach, broccoli, brussel sprouts, bock choy, collard greens, and a host of other greens pack an incredible amount of health benefits.

Just a few of the health benefits greens have to offer include high levels of calcium, vitamin C, magnesium, and dietary fiber. By consuming large quantities of greens, you can greatly aid the functionality of your digestive tract as well as improve your body composition; the enzymes in greens such as broccoli and spinach have been shown in studies to aid in fat loss. Recuperation from athletic performance is another great benefit of consuming these super foods?spinach is particularly high in the amino acid glutamine, which is commonly supplemented by professional athletes and bodybuilders to aid in muscle recovery and growth.


Go Nuts.

Dietary fat often gets a bad rap, but the reality is that it?s an essential macronutrient and a great source of energy for exercise and daily activity. The key here is moderation. Like any food, if you overdo dietary fats, they will be stored as body fat. One of the best sources of dietary fat, and my personal favorite, is nuts, and if you are worried about time, these should become your best friend. Obviously ready to go out of the bag, nuts are a great and healthy snack when on the go.

Almonds are an excellent source of mono-saturated fats while also providing seven grams of protein per serving and 20% of the recommended daily value for magnesium. And walnuts are a great way to get omega-3 fats into your diet, pack five grams of protein, and provide 25% of the daily recommended level of manganese.

South of the border and on the Run

I absolutely love Latin cuisine, and I find that preparing healthy variations of my favorite Latin dishes is also incredibly fast and easy. As a good starting point, pre-making a variety of legumes is always a great base and having these available will save time. Black beans, lentils, navy beans, and garbanzos are all great sources of dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates, iron, and protein. Quinoa is another excellent complex carbohydrate and great source of protein?getting its well-deserved hype by providing all nine essential amino acids. So having a supply of this handy is another great and easy option for a healthy meal on the go. Avocados are an excellent source of healthy fat and dietary fiber, and they are already good to go for you as well.

Mix in a combination of these Latin staples with as many greens as possible, some tomatoes, and peppers, and spice it up with ground cumin, garlic, and cayenne pepper for a delicious and quick meal!

Sweet Tooth? No Problem.

If you are craving sweets then eat them. No, I am not talking about Oreos, candy, and all the processed garbage passing as ?food? these days, but I am talking about a wide variety of deliciously addictive naturally sweet foods that taste better than that imitation junk. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Here are just a few of my favorites:


Probably a no brainer, but this is definitely one of the easiest and healthiest ways to fulfill a sweet tooth craving. If you are on the go, this is obviously a great option. Berries?blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc.?are probably the best choice as they are very low calorie and low-glycemic while packing a host of nutritional benefits. I love sticking blueberries in the freezer and munching on these when I get a sweet craving. Grapefruit is another great fruit to add to your diet, as it is packed with vitamin C and dietary fiber, has a low-glycemic index, and like greens has been shown in studies to stimulate fat loss.


By far my favorite spice! High in antioxidants and beneficial to digestion, this delicious spice is comprised of just six calories per tablespoon while providing a gram of fiber, 3% of the FDA recommended daily calcium intake, and a whopping 22% of daily manganese. I personally start every day with a green smoothie containing Sunwarrior protein, spinach or kale, a cup of berries, and a good pinch of this tasty stuff; paired with a bowl of oatmeal, also sweetened with cinnamon. This is a simple and delicious breakfast and takes just minutes to make. If I have a day off of work sometimes, I also make a salad with spinach, fruit, and walnuts and add cinnamon to this as well. Did I mention I love cinnamon?


These are the most delicious as well nutritionally-dense foods in this list, and also one of the best for an individual with a busy schedule. There are an infinite number of options and variations to explore here, but here are my two personal favorites:

Green Smoothie: great for breakfast and/or after a tough workout.

1?2 scoops Sunwarrior protein

1 cup H20

1?1? cups spinach or kale

1 cup of berries

2 tbsp. flaxseed

1 tbsp. ground cinnamon

Mix in blender. To thicken the smoothie, I will sometimes add a bit of ice as needed. Plant-based milk can be used in place of the water as well.


Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Shake-

There are no words to describe just how delicious this is. I found this recipe on Mike Mahler?s site,, and it has since become my absolute favorite shake. This really is better than ice cream, and actually healthy! The smoothie is packed full of protein, healthy dietary fat, a decent amount of fiber, and calcium. I like having this with a big salad following a hard day of training. I find that by having a lighter meal paired with the shake, I am going to bed extremely satisfied, while also giving my body a break from digesting heavy food.

2 scoops Sunwarrior Chocolate protein

1 cup of your favorite unsweetened plant-based milk

2 tbsp. peanut butter

1 cup of ice

When all ingredients are blended together, this stuff becomes as thick as ice cream and can be enjoyed with a spoon!

In the end, the key to a successful and consistent diet is about finding what works for you and sticking to it. There are a plethora of delicious and healthy food options out there?find the ones which fancy your taste, stop stressing, and enjoy a simple and healthy lifestyle!?


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Monogamy and the immune system: Differences in sexual behavior impact bacteria hosted and genes that control immunity

ScienceDaily (Aug. 30, 2012) ? In the foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains two closely related species of mice share a habitat and a genetic lineage, but have very different social lives. The California mouse (Peromyscus californicus) is characterized by a lifetime of monogamy; the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) is sexually promiscuous.

Researchers at the University of California Berkeley recently showed how these differences in sexual behavior impact the bacteria hosted by each species as well as the diversity of the genes that control immunity. The results were published in the May 2012 edition of PLoS One.

Monogamy is a fairly rare trait in mammals, possessed by only five percent of species. Rarely do two related, but socially distinguishable, species live side-by-side. This makes these two species of mice interesting subjects for Matthew MacManes, a National Institutes of Health-sponsored post-doctoral fellow at UC Berkeley.

Through a series of analyses, MacManes and researchers from the Lacey Lab examined the differences between these two species on the microscopic and molecular levels. They discovered that the lifestyles of the two mice had a direct impact on the bacterial communities that reside within the female reproductive tract. Furthermore, these differences correlate with enhanced diversifying selection on genes related to immunity against bacterial diseases.

Bacteria live on every part of our bodies and have distinctive ecologies. The first step of MacManes project involved testing the bacterial communities that resided in the vaginas of both species of mice -- the most relevant area for a study about monogamous and promiscuous mating systems.

Next, MacManes performed a genetic analysis on the variety of DNA present, revealing hundreds of different types of bacteria present in each species. He found that the promiscuous deer mouse had twice the bacterial diversity as the monogamous California mouse. Since many bacteria cause sexually transmitted infections (like chlamydia or gonorrhea), he used the diversity of bacteria as a proxy for risk of disease. Results of the study were published in Naturwissenschaften in October 2011.

But this wasn't the end of the exploration.

"The obvious next question was, does the bacterial diversity in the promiscuous mice translate into something about the immune system, or how the immune system functions?" MacManes asked.

MacManes hypothesized that selective pressures caused by generation after generation of bacterial warfare had fortified the genomes of the promiscuous deer mouse against the array of bacteria it hosts.

To find out, he sequenced genes related to immune function of the two mice species and compared each species' versions of one important immunity gene, MHC-DQa. Some forms of genes (alleles) are better at recognizing different pathogens than others. If an individual has only a single common allele, it may only recognize a limited set of bacterial pathogens. In contrast, if an individual has two different alleles it may recognize a more diverse set of bacterial pathogens, and thus be more protected against infection.

Based on a comparison of the two species' genotypes he confirmed that the promiscuous mice had much more diversity in the genes related to their immune system.

"The promiscuous mice, by virtue of their sexual system, are in contact with more individuals and are exposed to a lot more bacteria," MacManes said. "They need a more robust immune system to fend off all of the bugs that they're exposed to."

The results, published in PLoS One, match findings in humans and other species with differential mating habits. They show that differences in social behavior can lead to changes in the selection pressures and gene-level evolutionary changes in a species.

Motivated by this result, MacManes began work on a project that looked to understand the genetics of a far more complex behavior -- whether to stay at home with relatives, or to disperse to a new burrow.

Scientists have been sequencing and exploring the genome for more than a decade. For much of this time, studies have been limited to the most common and well-known species: humans, lab-mice, and fruit flies. But in recent years, as the cost of sequencing has dropped and the methods of exploring genomic information have improved, researchers have begun to analyze other less traditional organisms.

MacManes project was one of the first studies to use next-generation gene sequencing and high performance computers to assess the influence of behavior on genes in a non-model species.

"This is a field that people have always been interested in, but the tools hadn't existed yet for people to really understand how complex the mechanisms were," MacManes said.

Next-generation sequencing determines the order of the nucleotide bases in a molecule of DNA by breaking the double helix into short fragments and rapidly analyzing thousands of chunks at a time. Once hundreds of millions of genetic snippets have been read out by a DNA sequencer, they must be assembled into a single genome, or mapped to a reference genome, and compared to other genetic sequences to be useful.

"The sequencing is something that you can do in any molecular biology lab -- that's easy," MacManes said. "But when you try to do an analysis of the data, you get back something like several billion base pairs of data. How to actually analyze the data is the real issue."

As a National Science Foundation (NSF) graduate research fellow, MacManes learned that researchers could access NSF supercomputers through the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) to analyze datasets too big for their university laboratory clusters. Once he had his sequences, MacManes turned to the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin, a lead partner in XSEDE and home to the Ranger supercomputer.

"When we first started using Ranger, it was a breakthrough moment for us," he said. "We had the data set, but we didn't have any way to do anything with it. Ranger was really our first real chance at analyzing this data. "

The alignment and analysis that MacManes accomplished on Ranger in a few weeks would have taken years with his local resources. It organized the data so MacManes could find insights about the relationship between genes and behavior.

"The ability to isolate and compare genetic differences related to social behavior using advanced computing is a fascinating application of emerging technologies," said Jennifer Verodolin, a researcher specializing in social rodents at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center in Durham, North Carolina. "We often see individual and population-level social and mating differences within the same species. While ecological factors are linked to this variation, these sophisticated new tools will now allow us to see the genetic signature of how natural selection has shaped behavior."

Mating systems, and social systems more broadly, are important to basic evolutionary biology, MacManes asserted. "The things an animal does, the way it behaves, and who it interacts with, are important to natural selection. These factors can cause immunogenes to evolve at a much faster rate, or slower in the case of monogamous mice. That connection is important and probably under-recognized."

Monogamy and promiscuity are only one of a variety of social behaviors that are thought to influence gene expression. MacManes' current research involves analyzing gene expression in the hippocampus brain region of tuco tucos (a sort of South American gopher) who live together in social groups and others who live independently. He is hoping to find what differentiates the social animals from the loners and what impact this change in their behavior has on their genetic profile.

"Now that we have these new sequencing technologies, people are going to be really interested in looking at the mechanisms that underlie these behaviors," MacManes said. "How might genes control what we do, and how we behave? We're going to see an explosion in these studies where people start to understand the very basic genetic mechanism for all sorts of behaviors that we know are out there."

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Texas at Austin, Texas Advanced Computing Center. The original article was written by Aaron Dubrow.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Matthew D. MacManes, Eileen A. Lacey. Is Promiscuity Associated with Enhanced Selection on MHC-DQ? in Mice (genus Peromyscus)? PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (5): e37562 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037562

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Joan Mary Ann (Regier) Dietrich - Haskett Funeral Homes | Lucan ...

Peacefully, surrounded by her family, on Saturday, August 25, 2012 at Oasis Retirement Home, Lucan in her 80th year.? Separated shortly, together forever with her loving husband Hubert Lawrence Dietrich (May 2012).? Dear mother of Paula and Bill Rosser of Bayfield, Frank and Dianne Dietrich of Lucan, Mary and Craig Corman of Denfield, Christine and Felix Gysemans of Ilderton, Jane and Stephen Shields of Peterborough and Hugh and Krista Dietrich of Lucan.? Dear grandmother of Darryl and Valerie, Laura and Danny, Stacey and Rodger, David and Christa; Scott and Paul; Sarah, Lindsay and Colin, Mark and Leanne; Kyle and Sue, Katlin and Greg; Madison, Dawson, Carter; Eric, Grant and Jake; and great-grandmother of Camden and Audrey; Ashton and Carter; Nolan and Drew; Aiden, Olivia and Lauren; Grayson; and Taylor.? Dear sister and sister-in-law of Paul and Kathy Regier of London, Sheila and Don Masse of Tilbury, Mary and Joe Koricina of Exeter, Joe and Bonnie Regier of Dashwood, Angela and Chuck Balazs of Brantford, Ann and Mike Croft of London; Sister Rita of Chatham, Martina Glavin of Parkhill, Stephen and Josephine Dietrich of Dashwood and Mary Dietrich of London.? Also survived by several nieces and nephews.? Predeceased by her parents Joseph and Mary (Hogan) Regier, brothers John, Gerald and Bill Regier, sisters-in-law Mary, Sister Dominica (Anna), Mary Dietrich and Helene Regier and brothers-in-law Joe Glavin, Ben, Eugene and Louis Dietrich.

Friends may call at the Haskett Funeral Home, 223 Main Street, Lucan on Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 PM.? The Funeral Mass will be held on Wednesday, August 29th at 10:00 AM with Father Andrew Kowalczyk, CSMA celebrant.? Interment St. Patrick?s Cemetery, Lucan.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Lung Association or the Canadian Diabetes Association would be appreciated by the family.

Parish prayers will be said in the funeral home on Tuesday evening at 8:45 PM

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

First lady announces new hiring push for vets

First Lady Michelle Obama laughs as she talks to two you children at the Holiday Park Gym, Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

First Lady Michelle Obama laughs as she talks to two you children at the Holiday Park Gym, Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

First Lady Michelle Obama greets sailors and their family members at the Mayport Naval Station in Jacksonville, Fla., Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012. The first lady chose a naval station in the electoral battleground of Florida to announce that 2,000 businesses around the country have hired or trained more than 125,000 military veterans and spouses in the past year, exceeding a White House goal of 100,000 by the end of next year. (AP Photo/The Florida Times-Union, Bob Mack)

First Lady Michelle Obama visits the Mayport Naval Station in Jacksonville, Fla., Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012. The first lady chose a naval station in the electoral battleground of Florida to announce that 2,000 businesses around the country have hired or trained more than 125,000 military veterans and spouses in the past year, exceeding a White House goal of 100,000 by the end of next year. (AP Photo/The Florida Times-Union, Bob Mack)

First Lady Michelle Obama visits the Mayport Naval Station in Jacksonville, Fla., Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012. The first lady chose a naval station in the electoral battleground of Florida to announce that 2,000 businesses around the country have hired or trained more than 125,000 military veterans and spouses in the past year, exceeding a White House goal of 100,000 by the end of next year. (AP Photo/The Florida Times-Union, Bob Mack)

First Lady Michelle Obama visits the Mayport Naval Station in Jacksonville, Fla., Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012. The first lady chose a naval station in the electoral battleground of Florida to announce that 2,000 businesses around the country have hired or trained more than 125,000 military veterans and spouses in the past year, exceeding a White House goal of 100,000 by the end of next year. (AP Photo/The Florida Times-Union, Bob Mack)

(AP) ? First lady Michelle Obama chose a naval station in the electoral battleground of Florida to announce Wednesday that 2,000 businesses around the country have hired or trained more than 125,000 military veterans and spouses in the past year, exceeding a White House goal of 100,000 by the end of next year.

Mrs. Obama also told a crowd of Navy personnel and their spouses at this Jacksonville base that the same companies have committed to hire or train an additional 250,000 veterans and military spouses by 2014. That includes hiring or training 50,000 military spouses within three years ? and helping them keep those jobs as families move from one duty station to another.

"I thought this challenge was pretty ambitious and when we first started out, we only had two companies as our partners," She said. "Soon, those two companies became 20, and then 200 and then 2,000 ... These 2,000 companies have not just met our challenge, they've exceeded it."

Mrs. Obama said that she is repeatedly hearing from companies that some of their best employees are military veterans or their spouses, so the Joining Forces effort isn't just the right thing to do, it's helping companies do better.

"They're doing this because it's the smart thing to do for their bottom lines," Mrs. Obama said. "These companies know that if you can prepare a helicopter engine in Mayport, if you can coordinate thousands of pounds of supplies and deliver them to villages across Afghanistan, then clearly you have what it takes for a manufacturing or a logistics job right here in the U.S."

Jacksonville has a large military presence and winning support here fits into President Barack Obama's strategy to win Florida and its 29 electoral college votes ? the most of any of the tossup states in November's election. His campaign is targeting the conservative area to build support where Republicans have usually had strong success. The timing of the trip also precedes next week's Republican National Convention in Tampa.

The program connects companies with veterans and helps veterans use their military skills in the private sector. Mrs. Obama was joined by Vice Adm. Scott Van Buskirk, chief of naval personnel, who praised the project and said it is making a difference for people leaving the military. The administration is also pushing states to allow military spouses to transfer professional licenses from state to state to help them get new jobs when their spouses are transferred to a new base.

In April 2011, the first lady and Jill Biden, wife of the vice president, launched Joining Forces to encourage Americans to support military families and veterans. The White House said the hiring push has helped to reduce unemployment among veterans from 8.6 percent in July 2011 to 6.9 percent last month.

"This is just the beginning. We are only scratching the surface," Mrs. Obama said. "I won't be satisfied, nor will my husband, until every single veteran and military spouse who wants a job has one. All of you deserve nothing less."

Labor Department statistics show the unemployment rate for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is at 8.9 percent, above the national rate of 8.3 percent. For veterans under 24, the unemployment rate was 19.9 percent in July.

Mrs. Obama also stopped in South Florida later Wednesday to encourage local volunteers to register just one more neighbor or friend to vote for Obama because those grass-roots efforts clinched the 2008 election, she said.

Obama thanked volunteers for giving their time, acknowledging their lives are busy, but reminding them that knocking on doors and answering phones could make the difference in a key battleground state.

"This election will be even closer than the last one. This election like so many others could come down to those last few thousand votes, especially in states like Florida," she told an exuberant crowd of about 2,500 packed into a hot Fort Lauderdale auditorium.

She told volunteers to remind undecided voters that her husband cut taxes for small businesses, closed the gap in prescription drug coverage for seniors known as "the doughnut hole." She said they should also remind voters that he ordered the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Mrs. Obama aimed her appeal to middle-class supporters, recalling her father's job as a pump operator to remind them that she and the president understand the importance of rewarding hard work and giving everyone an equal opportunity.

"When it comes time to stand up for the middle class...who's going to have your back?" said Mrs. Obama. She spent nearly 20 minutes talking with volunteers in the crowd after her speech.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a congresswoman from South Florida and chair of the Democratic National Committee, also spoke at the event, warning seniors that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and running mate Paul Ryan's budget "would end Medicare as we know it."


Kennedy reported from Fort Lauderdale. Associated Press writer Nancy Benac in Washington contributed to this report.


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

AT&T Blamed for Oakland's Public Safety Communications ...

AT&T is being fingered as the party responsible for rendering Oakland?s $18 million dollar P25 digital public safety radio communications system unreliable, because police and fire radios are often inoperable near the company?s cell towers.

After more than a year of repeated failures and complaints from Oakland police over garbled communications, dead spots, and reception problems, investigators dispatched from the Federal Communications Commission finally identified the source of most of the problems: AT&T.

?If the officer is in an area close to one of their cell sites, essentially the cell site overpowers their radios,? said David Cruise, Oakland?s public safety systems adviser.

The system, built by Harris Corporation of Melbourne, Fla. is suspected of being intolerant of strong cell signals operating on nearby frequencies. The digital nature of the system means degraded communications often go unheard, and firefighters and police officers have complained loudly and repeatedly they have been unable to summon dispatchers while experiencing interference problems. The investigation found the problems are worst within a quarter to a half-mile from one of AT&T?s many cell sites.

The source of the interference is AT&T?s 2G network, operated on 850MHz. Oakland?s public safety P25 system operates on multiple frequencies nearby from 851-854MHz.

Under federal law, public safety communications have priority over cell phone service, and AT&T has cooperated by shutting down 2G service on 850MHz on at least 16 cell towers, immediately reducing complaints from police officers and firefighters.

?AT&T would never do anything to jeopardize law enforcement,? AT&T spokesman John Britton told the San Francisco Chronicle. ?This spectrum has been out there since the 1990s. Thursday or Friday was the first time we were notified by Oakland. We reacted?quickly.?

AT&T won?t say exactly how many cell sites are located in Oakland, but there are more than 1,000 AT&T-owned towers across the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Oakland officials plan to press AT&T to shut down more 2G data service on 850MHz until a solution can be found.

AT&T says only customers with the oldest phones are likely to notice the network shutdowns, because most current customers use 3G or 4G data service, which has not posed an interference problem. AT&T says it still maintains 2G service in San Francisco on 1900MHz, which should be accessible to customers with older phones, although the service may not operate as well on the higher frequency band when obstructions are present between a cell phone user and the nearest cell tower.

Representatives for law enforcement personnel hope the city is on the right track, but point out the Harris-built digital radio system has been nothing but trouble since it was first activated. The system has suffered repeated glitches, does not work inside hundreds of area buildings, and failed the night President Obama visited Oakland in July. Some critics note the Harris system does not even provide reception in the basement of Oakland?s police headquarters.

City officials are also investigating other contributing potential sources of interference, including T-Mobile, which also operates on similar frequencies in the area.

Ironically, the interference problem may have begun after Sprint Nextel committed to spending over a billion dollars to cover the costs of relocating public safety communications further away from its own cellular frequencies. Sprint Nextel paid $10.5 million to move Oakland?s radio system to a frequency further from its own network, but as it turns out, closer to AT&T?s. San Francisco Oakland Police Radios Failed During Presidents Visit 7-26-12.mp4

KCBS in San Francisco has been pursuing the dilemma of Oakland?s public safety communications system for months. Back in July, police were alarmed when the radio system failed the night President Obama arrived in town. ?(3 minutes) San Francisco Closer Look Oakland Police Fed Up With Flawed Radio System 8-14-12.mp4

Oakland police are fed up with the year-old $18 million dollar emergency radio system that they say simply does not work. KCBS investigates in this mid-August report. ?(4 minutes) San Francisco ATT Cellphone Towers Blamed For Oakland Police Radio Failures 8-21-12.mp4

Investigators from the Federal Communications Commission finally identified a major source of Oakland?s radio problems: AT&T cell sites. ?(2 minutes)


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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

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Monday, August 20, 2012

New fire forces evacuations in Northern Calif.

(AP) ? Thousands of people have been told to leave their homes as a wildfire burning Sunday in thick forest threatened rural communities in far Northern California.

The fire that sparked around 11:30 a.m. Saturday has destroyed four homes and consumed nearly 11 square miles near the towns of Manton, Shingleton, and Viola, fire spokesman Daniel Berlant said. About 3,500 homes spread out across a rural area along the border of Tehama and Shasta counties are threatened, he said.

"A good majority are immediately threatened and a good number are in the path of the fire," Berlant said Sunday. "We will be battling it hard today to protect as many of those homes as possible."

The cause of the fire has not been determined, but officials said it started after a series of lightning strikes in the area. The wildfire is zero percent contained.

The fire, burning in a rugged area of thick forests about 170 miles north of Sacramento, is one of handful of new fires burning in Northern California.

Another wildfire that started Saturday has consumed about 1.5 square miles east of the Mendocino County community of Covelo. The blaze, which was sparked by lightning, is burning in a remote area of thick timber and rugged terrain, making it difficult for fire crews to get to.

A third new fire has scorched about a half square mile in a remote area of Shasta County.

Associated Press


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Choosing a Corporate Caterer Can Be Very Challenging

A catered corporate dinner will call for a successful performance of the evening. Usually special clients are invited to these shindigs as well as employees and their families. There are just too many details for the average person to put together when planning a corporate dinner, especially if they are not used to event planning, so hiring the best most talented corporate caterers is a must. Business dinners are wonderful occasions and unless your business is actually catering, you need assistance pulling off such an event.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Significance of Knowing Mountain Bike Parts | Content for Reprint

Author: Abu Fakhri | Total views: 32 Comments: 0
Word Count: 674 Date:

Some people who like to ride a mountain bike should know about mountain bike parts so they can maximize the function of each part. Mountain bike can be used in mountain biking, dust trails or any other off road terrains. People like to ride the mountain bike to those terrains because they enjoy the thrill and the adventure. There is a possibility that your bike will get into trouble in the middle of your riding. To avoid the unwanted situation, it is important to know some parts of mountain bike. So, if there are any broken parts, you can repair them.

The first part from mountain bike parts is the bottom bracket. It is the adjustment of the crank which is set to the body of the bike. The function of this part is to transfer the power to the toothed chain rings. The crack lever itself is extended from the bottom of the bracket to the pedals. The other part of the chain is called chain circular. It is a set of links that transports power from the chain ring to the moving part in the wheel. Hence, the power of your bike is decided with the chain ring which is moved by the pedals.

The second parts from mountain bike parts are a brake cable and a lever. The function of those parts is to attach the lever to the mechanism and activate the brakes correspondingly. The Derailleur Mechanism is used to move the chain from one part to another part. Then, the front Shock absorbers are used as a headset mechanism that connects the front fork to the stem or the handlebars and spokes. The handlebars and the spokes are attached to the Hub Center section of the wheel. All of those parts give the same important role in a mountain bike.

The third parts from mountain bike parts are rims and tires. Those parts are located in the wheel and their function is to support the wheel. Next, there is also a seat in the bike for the riders to sit during the riding. Moreover, there are also top tubes and steering tubes that also give the same crucial role in a mountain bike. As we know, mountain bikes are made to go through off-road terrain which is known as a difficult terrain. You should be able to control your bike when you go through this type of terrain and the role of gears here is to control the bike.

The role of the gears as a mountain bike parts is to maintain the comfort pace when the riders go through any speeds or slopes. As technology progresses, the mountain bikes obtain more and more gears such as the typical layout that has three gears located in front and nine gears located in back. The fourth part is the rear derailleur which has two roles in a bike. It can be taught naturally if the largest chain is located in front and back sprocket of the bike. On the other hand, it can be slack to manage if the chain is located on the smallest sprocket in each side.

Another role of the rear derailleur as a mountain bike parts is to switch the gears by moving the bottom of the chain from side to side. It concerns with the bottom of the chain because it has less tension and if you want to have significant tension, you can force the legs pedaling forward. Then, the front derailleur is used to move the chain located between the front sprockets, especially in the top portion of the chain. It is due to the fact that the front portion deals with forward motion so it will be under tension. The role of sprockets is to hold and move the chain smoothly. Then, the shorter and wider teeth as well as the ramps and pegs in a bike are used in sprocket technology to ease the transition of the gear.

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Reggae Rhythms and Masterful Musos at Bay Harbour Market ...

17 Aug 2012 - 17:00

From rhythmic reggae to master guitar picking, the Bay Harbour Market offers a fantastic selection of local music this weekend.

Taking to the stage on August 17 for Friday Night LIVE! is popular Cape Town reggae band The Rivertones. Experienced frontman Roland Geoffery Nair has been performing since he was 12 and has jammed with the likes of ?The Wailers? (Bob Marley?s band). He formed the Rivertones in 2006, and they have gone to play at major festivals across the country. These reggae masters will leave you feeling suitably ?irie?.

The Brampton Sound Stage comes alive on Saturday August 18 with accomplished multi-instrumental vocalist, Sven Blumer and polished saxophonist, vocalist and guitar player Marleen ?Paddy? Visser. Sven has been active in the music industry for many years, performing live and doing session work as a guitarist as well as tutoring aspiring musos. He draws on his love of cultural diversity and varied genres of music, which is highly influenced by the different countries he grew up in. Marleen is a professional musician who has performed at numerous private and corporate functions, solo or as part of a duo. She is also the tenor sax player in a Big Band. Don?t miss this one!

Ending the weekend off on August 19 is guitar master Tinus van Dyk. Tinus is one of the few local exponents of fingerstyle guitar music. His compositions combine this challenging technique with an eclectic range of folk influences from around the world. From jazz and blues to Spanish guitar, classical, and rock this guitar virtuoso explores a range of musical styles.

In addition to awesome live music, arts, crafts, fashion, decor and delicious cuisine, Bay Harbour is also hosting a monthly comedy showcase on the first Wednesday of each month. The line-up for the 5th September 2012 features Martin Davis (UK) hosting support acts Carl Weber and Anne Hirsch and the headliner is one of Cape Town?s best established comedians ? Stuart Taylor. Tickets are on sale from the 17th August ? the inaugural show was sold out, so make sure you get your tickets early!

Venue: Brampton Sound Stage, Bay Harbour Market, Hout Bay
Artists: The Rivertones, Sven Blummer, Marleen Visser, Tinus van Dyk
Address: 31 Harbour Road, Hout Bay, Cape Town, 7806
Date: 17-19 August 2012
Time: Friday: 5pm-9pm; Saturday and Sunday: 9h30am-4pm
More information: Tel: 082 570 5997; Email:


Harbour Road

Cape Town, WC, 7806

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Rebel video claims to show captured Syrian pilot

This image made from amateur video released by the Shaam News Network purports to show Syrian Pilot Colonel Rafik Mohammed Suleiman being interrogated by a rebel officer after his Soviet-made MiG warplane was apparently hit by ground fire over Deir el-Zour province, an area near the Iraqi border, Syria, Monday, Aug. 13, 2012. If the rebel claim of the downing proves true, it could mark a significant jump in their ability to combat widening air attacks from President Bashar Assad's forces. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTO

This image made from amateur video released by the Shaam News Network purports to show Syrian Pilot Colonel Rafik Mohammed Suleiman being interrogated by a rebel officer after his Soviet-made MiG warplane was apparently hit by ground fire over Deir el-Zour province, an area near the Iraqi border, Syria, Monday, Aug. 13, 2012. If the rebel claim of the downing proves true, it could mark a significant jump in their ability to combat widening air attacks from President Bashar Assad's forces. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTO

This image made from amateur video released by the Shaam News Network purports to show Syrian Pilot Colonel Rafik Mohammed Suleiman being interrogated by rebel officers after his Soviet-made MiG warplane was apparently hit by ground fire over Deir el-Zour province, an area near the Iraqi border, Syria, Monday Aug. 13, 2012. If the rebel claim of the downing proves true, it could mark a significant jump in their ability to combat widening air attacks from President Bashar Assad's forces. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTO

This image made from amateur video released by the Shaam News Network purports to show Syrian Pilot Colonel Rafik Mohammed Suleiman being interrogated by a rebel officer after his Soviet-made MiG warplane was apparently hit by ground fire over Deir el-Zour province, an area near the Iraqi border, Syria, Monday, Aug. 13, 2012. If the rebel claim of the downing proves true, it could mark a significant jump in their ability to combat widening air attacks from President Bashar Assad's forces. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTO

This image made from amateur video released by the R.Y.E. Syria and accessed Monday Aug. 13, 2012, purports to show a Syrian plane downed over the eastern province of Deir el-Zour, Syria, Monday Aug. 13, 2012. Activists released a video which they claim shows a government Soviet-made MiG warplane catching fire apparently after it was hit by ground fire while Syrian state-run media said Monday a pilot ejected from a warplane on a training mission after a technical failure. (AP Photo/R.Y.E. Syria) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTO

This image made from amateur video released by the Ugarit News and accessed Monday, Aug. 13, 2012, purports to show Syrian government forces who were captured at a checkpoint by Free Syrian Army soldiers, unseen, in the eastern province of Deir el-Zour, Syria. (AP Photo/Ugarit News via AP video) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTO

(AP) ? Syrian rebels circulated dramatic video Monday of what they claimed was the downing of a warplane and armed men later holding the captured pilot who ejected as the MiG fighter was engulfed by flames. Syria acknowledged a pilot bailed out of a disabled plane but blamed the crash on a technical malfunction.

The authenticity of the images or the claims could not be independently verified. If the rebels did bring down their first aircraft, that could signal a significant jump in their firepower and give opposition forces their most high-profile military captive.

But wider questions remain even if the rebel reports are confirmed, including whether this could be just a one-time blow against expanding air offensives by the forces of Bashar Assad's regime. Just days ago, protesters across Syria pleaded for the rebels' main backers ? including Turkey and Gulf states ? to send anti-aircraft weapons for outgunned fighters.

Assad's military has significantly stepped up aerial attacks in recent weeks. Strafing from warplanes and close-range missile strikes from helicopter gunships have pushed back rebels in key fronts such as Aleppo, the country's largest city and the scene of fierce attacks to dislodge rebel positions.

As the sun was setting on Monday, an Associated Press reporter saw two fighter jets over the village of Marea, 30 kilometers (20 miles) north of Aleppo.

Terrified residents collected on street corners and near the doors to their houses to watch and point as the jets dived low, dropping bombs that sent up clouds of smoke and firing machine guns that crackled over the village.

On one crowded market street, a handful of rebels with rifles ran toward the site of the bombings.

"What are you going to do, bring down a jet with a rifle?" a man screamed.

After the jets left, young men on motorcycles rushed to the bombing site on the edge of the village to find two craters the size of cars in a dirt field next to a swimming pool.

A man working at the privately owned pool said only three people were there at the time and that none was injured. He didn't give his name and tried to chase away journalists and residents seeking to film the pool.

It is unclear why the area was targeted. Residents said there was no rebel base nearby.

"In the summer, it's hot so the guys gather here to swim," said Abdullah Najjar, 21, adding that some of them could have been rebels.

"This is the only place we have in town to come for entertainment."

Nationwide, the relentless bloodshed ? including alleged massacres by pro-regime mobs and retaliation killings by rebels ? has already claimed more than 20,000 lives, activists say, and will be further examined in a report expected Wednesday by the U.N. Human Rights Council's independent commission probing abuses in Syria.

In another crack in Assad's diplomatic corps, a Syrian diplomat who worked with the U.N. rights council in Geneva said he left his post to join the opposition. A spokesman for the council, Rolando Gomez, identified the Syrian as Danny al-Baaj and described him as a junior member of his country's U.N. mission. Syria is not a member of the 47-nation council, but al-Baaj worked with it as part of his duties.

The claims of bringing down the warplane and capturing the pilot, meanwhile, are likely to become a key propaganda tool to rally rebel fighters.

Activists released a video which they say showed a government Soviet-made MiG warplane catching fire after it was hit by ground fire over Deir el-Zour province, an area near the Iraqi border where the opposition has strongholds. Hours later, another video shown on the pan-Arab network Al-Arabiya purported to show the captured pilot surrounded by armed rebels. "Introduce yourself," says another speaker with his back to the camera.

The alleged captive identified himself as Col. Rafik Mohammed Suleiman and says he was on a mission to attack a rebel-held area.

"What do you tell the officers of the Assad army?" the speaker asks the man, whose beard and hair are flecked with gray. The man who identified himself as the pilot urges them to defect.

The speaker ? whose face remained hidden ? said the hostage will be treated according to tenets of Islam and the Geneva Convention. The later reference could be an indirect reply to recent international outrage over videos posted on the Internet claiming to show summary executions and torture by rebels, including bloodied prisoners being gunned down against a wall as people cried: "Free Syrian Army Forever!"

Syria's state-run SANA news agency said the pilot ejected from a warplane after a technical failure during a "training mission." It added that a search was under way to find the pilot.

The Britain-based activist group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the plane was hit as it was conducting air raids on the town of Muhassan, which is close to a military airfield. The group quoted activists in the area as saying the plane was hit with fire from a heavy machine gun used by rebels in the area.

Syria has such anti-aircraft weapons in its arsenal and it's possible that some could have fallen into rebel hands. In June, Syria said it used anti-aircraft machine gun fire to bring down a Turkish F-4 Phantom fighter jet it claimed crossed into Syrian aircraft. Turkey said the plane was in international flight zones.

Theodore Karasik, a regional security expert at the Dubai-based Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis, said the rebel claim ? if true ? would suggest a stepped-up flow of outside military assistance. Older anti-aircraft weapons, possibly looted from Syrian arsenals such as variations on the Soviet-era SA-7, are considered overmatched by later model MiGs in the Syrian air force.

"If this is true, the conjecture would be that covert aid to the rebels is expanding with higher-grade anti-aircraft capabilities," Karasik said.

Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar have pledged to help supply the Syrian rebels, but the extent of the aid is unclear. Rebel commanders have consistently complained about lack of ammunition, including during recent battles in Aleppo. Last week, anti-regime protesters across Syria staged rallies calling for greater anti-aircraft firepower.

The possibility of a high-ranking military captive also could raise pressure on Assad's regime after a series of abductions, including 48 Iranians taken earlier this month and 11 Lebanese Shiites seized in May.

Rebels claim the Iranians include members of Tehran's Revolutionary Guard and were on a "reconnaissance mission" in Damascus. Iran insists the men were on a religious pilgrimage. The Lebanese are apparently held to try to pressure the government in Beirut to show greater support for the rebels ? which is unlikely because of the strong influence of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, which backs Assad.

On Sunday, the head of Syria's main opposition group in exile renewed a plea for international powers to impose a no-fly zone in border areas to protect civilians who are coming under increasingly intense attacks by regime warplanes and helicopters.

The site of the plane incident ? the eastern, oil-rich region of Deir el-Zour ? has been the site of heavy clashes between government troops and rebels over the past week. Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab, who defected to Jordan earlier this month, comes from the area.

Besides the rising death tolls in clashes ? more than 50 on Monday according to the activist Observatory group ? at least three Syria-based journalists have been killed in recent days. Al-Ikhbariya TV also said two other journalists and their driver are being held by rebels near the capital Damascus.

Associated Press


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The American Scholar: Curtains - William Deresiewicz

All Points


By William Deresiewicz


Do the arts have a future in the electronic age? The short answer?s easy: of course they do. The art-making impulse is inextinguishable; the geniuses will keep on coming (on a maddeningly irregular schedule); the forms and media will change, yes, but then they always have.

Still, it isn?t going to be that simple. In Public Speaking, the Fran Lebowitz documentary that came out a couple of years ago, the writer made a striking observation. A great audience, she said, is more important for the creation of great art than great artists are. Great audiences create great artists, by giving people the freedom to take chances. Lebowitz was thinking about the audience that existed in the theaters and galleries of New York City in the decades after the? Second World War, the age of George Balanchine, Merce Cunningham, John Cage, Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, and so many others.

I don?t need to tell you what kind of audience the computer is creating. Online reading (and viewing, and listening) means skimming and skipping and surfing. It means never starting something without already thinking about when you?re going to get through it so you can move on to the next thing. It means refusing to give yourself completely to any single experience. Inevitably, writers and other creators will adapt themselves to the new conditions of reception. What the audience can?t be bothered to invest the time to get out of a work, creators aren?t going to take the trouble putting in: subtlety, complexity, detail, depth. Sentences will get shorter. Syntax will get simpler. Ironies will broaden. Vocabularies will contract. Stories and arguments will start dropping parts. Everything will have to squeeze itself into the smallest possible space. If you want an example of the way that writing is shaped by the expectations of its audience, just think of academic prose.

It?s not that a novel is any different on a screen than it is in a book. It?s that we?re different, because the medium tunes our nervous systems to a different pitch. We come to the screen to be entertained: we bring it our impatience. We come to the screen to shop: we bring it the expectation that we?re going to be pandered to. (An analogy: look how watching television has changed the way people act at the movies. No one knows how to shut up anymore, because they still think they?re in their living rooms.) The New York audience prided itself on being challenged; it looked for art that offered it resistance. The very fact that we?re alone in front of our computers probably makes the situation worse. When people compete to appear sophisticated, art and artists win.

Great audiences give rise to great artists, but the inverse can also be true. ?Every great artist creates the taste by which he is appreciated?: something that can certainly be said of Balanchine and Cunningham. As Wordsworth wrote to Coleridge, ?What we have loved, / Others will love, and we will teach them how.? The artists of the future are going to have to do this, too, and they will have their work cut out for them.

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William Deresiewicz is an essayist and critic. His book, A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things That Really Matter, was published in April. To read all the posts from his weekly blog, ?All Points,? click here.


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Romney seeks distance from Ryan's budget plans

HIGH POINT, N.C. (AP) ? Cheered by the biggest crowds of his campaign, Republican Mitt Romney declared Sunday that 42-year-old running mate Paul Ryan is ready to be president, but said his own budget plan, not the more detailed proposals of his partner, will be the basis of his White House bid.

"I have my budget plan," he said. "And that's the budget plan we're going to run on."

Earlier, Romney walked a careful line as he campaigned with Ryan by his side in North Carolina, singling out his running mate's work "to make sure we can save Medicare." But the presidential candidate never said whether he embraced Ryan's austere plan himself, and he addressed the matter more directly in a "60 Minutes" interview, with Ryan still with him, that aired Sunday night on CBS.

Democrats weren't about to let them off that hook.

President Barack Obama, attending campaign fundraisers Sunday in Chicago, tagged Ryan as the "ideological leader" of the Republican Party.

"He is a decent man, he is a family man, he is an articulate spokesman for Gov. Romney's vision but it is a vision that I fundamentally disagree with," Obama said in his first public comments about Ryan's selection.

Senior Obama adviser David Axelrod and other aides spent Sunday trying to brand Ryan's budget "the Ryan-Romney plan."

During the Republican primary, Romney had called Ryan's budget a "bold and exciting effort" that was "very much needed."

Ryan proposed to reshape the long-standing entitlement by setting up a voucher-like system to let future retirees shop for private health coverage or choose the traditional program ? a plan that independent budget analysts say would probably mean smaller increases in benefits than current law would provide.

Romney and Ryan, in their first joint television interview Sunday, were clearly mindful that some of Ryan's proposals don't sit well with key constituencies, among them seniors in critical states like Florida and Ohio. Each man sought to reassure older voters they wouldn't take away their benefits, with Ryan saying his mother is "a Medicare senior in Florida" and Romney vowing there would be "no changes" for seniors currently counting on the popular federal program.

"In America, the nature of this country has been giving people more freedom, more choices," Romney said. "That's how we make Medicare work down the road."

Romney praised his running mate for his policy depth and analytical skills and said if they should win the election, Ryan will surely be consulted in big decisions ? "along with other individuals." He added: "Obviously I have to make the final call in important decisions."

The presumptive presidential nominee said Ryan, "if it were necessary, could become president." And Romney extolled his running mate's Washington experience, despite having criticized primary rivals Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum for their years in the nation's capital.

Ryan said he planned to release two years of personal tax returns to the public. The wealthy Romney is also releasing two years of returns, despite pressure from Democrats and some Republicans to provide more information about how he manages his millions.

Romney's selection of Ryan has jolted the presidential contest, until now one that had done little to draw the public's attention, and set the contours for the fall campaign: Romney as a proponent of a friendlier business climate seeking to revitalize the economy and rein in federal spending and Obama casting himself as a defender of middle-class families and federal spending on health care, retirement pensions and education.

The running mate pick also shifted the campaign debate, at least temporarily, to the pressing economic challenges facing the country ? a debate both Romney and Obama have said they wanted to have even as the dialogue had spiraled into nasty, personal attacks. Sunday was a marked departure from the previous week, when the race for the White House devolved into name-calling and accusations of lying from both campaigns.

Three months from Election Day, polls find Obama with a narrow lead over Romney, though the race remains tight in key battleground states. And while Ryan's selection raised the role of government spending and Medicare in the election, the fundamentals of the campaign remained unchanged: a race defined by a weak economy and high unemployment, measured most recently at 8.3 percent in July.

Romney, seeking to pull his campaign out of a summer slump, appeared to relish in campaigning alongside the youthful and energetic Ryan.

"This is Day Two for me," a gleeful Romney told a campaign rally in Moorseville, N.C. "This is Day Two on our comeback tour to get America strong again, to rebuild the promise of America." He meant a comeback for the country, but that could apply as well to his campaign.

The duo blitzed through North Carolina ? a competitive battleground state in the November election ? as part of a multistate bus tour. The pair ended the day in Waukesha, Wis., with a homecoming-themed event for Ryan, who was in tears as he took the stage.

Romney, emboldened by the enthusiastic crowds that greeted the pair Sunday, wrapped up a day of campaigning with a sharp shot at the tone of Obama's campaign. "Mr. President, take your campaign out of the gutter," he said.

Romney then planned to head to Florida and Ohio as the week begins, while Ryan was scheduled to travel to Iowa on Monday as the ticket looked to cover as much ground as possible.

For Ryan, the weekend of campaigning was a chance to make a first impression on many voters. A recent CNN/ORC international poll found a majority of voters had no opinion of the congressman, an up and comer in Washington but far from a household name. Nearly 40 percent had never heard of him and 16 percent weren't sure what they thought of him.

The 42-year-old congressman embraced the attack dog role traditionally assumed by the No. 2 on the ticket. He said Obama had turned his 2008 campaign slogan of "hope and change" into "attack and blame."

"We're not going to fall for it," Ryan told a crowd of 5,000 in High Point, N.C.

Obama's campaign had already been trying to tie Romney to Ryan's tough budget blueprint even before the Wisconsin congressman emerged as a contender for the GOP ticket. Democrats believe seniors, those nearing retirement and middle-income voters will view Ryan's long-term budget plan remaking Medicare and cutting trillions in federal spending as a threat to their financial security.

Campaign officials were readying state-specific strategies aimed at seniors in Florida and Ohio, and also planned to court young people and military service members who they believe will be turned off by other elements of Ryan's proposed budget cuts.

As chairman of the House Budget Committee, Ryan is the primary author of conservative tax and spending proposals that the tea party-infused Republican majority approved over vigorous Democratic opposition in 2011 and again in 2012.

They envision transforming Medicare into a program in which future seniors would receive government checks that they could use to purchase health insurance. Under the current program, the government directly pays doctors, hospitals and other health care providers.

Ryan and other supporters say the change is needed to prevent the program from financial calamity. Critics argue it would impose ever-increasing costs on seniors.

Other elements of the budget plan would cut projected spending for Medicaid, which provides health care for the poor, as well as food stamps, student loans and other social programs that Obama and Democrats have pledged to defend.

In all, it projects spending cuts of $5.3 trillion over a decade and would cut future projected deficits substantially. Romney, too, has proposed ambitious cuts in federal spending, but without the specifics that make Ryan's plan so attractive to fiscal conservatives and such a target for Democrats.

Republicans say Ryan could help put Wisconsin, which traditionally has voted Democratic in presidential campaigns, in play and that the Catholic Midwesterner also could appeal to blue-collar voters whom Romney, a Mormon and multimillionaire, has struggled to reach in Iowa and elsewhere.

Obama's campaign had no plans to start running new television ads in Wisconsin following Ryan's pick. Officials said they didn't think Ryan was popular enough statewide to swing Wisconsin toward the Republican ticket.

Obama's campaign argues Ryan's budget could be a powerful campaign tool for the president in states like Pennsylvania and Iowa, in addition to Florida and Ohio.

Down ballot, party leaders hoped to work in tandem with Obama to turn the Ryan budget into a litmus test in congressional races, forcing Republican opponents to take ownership of the plan. The campaign arm of the House Democrats, for example, was urging its lawmakers to call Ryan's budget plan ? not the man himself ? Romney's new "running mate."


Thomas reported from Chicago. Associated Press writer Julie Pace contributed from Washington.


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