Sunday, January 1, 2012

Pets with Newt? | Race 4 2012

So, apparently this is a real thing. Newt now has a website entitled, ?Pets with Newt? where you can send pictures of your pets supporting Newt Gingrich. Here?s the cover photo:


  • Micah Says:

    Please let this nightmare of a primary be over!

  • SixMom Says:

    Anyone want to add a caption to this photo?

    Here?s mine:

    ?I taught him everything he knows?.

  • Dave Gaultier Says:

    ?Crikey! There?s a croc over there. Let?s see what I can do to piss it off!?

  • SixMom Says:

    1. Micah


    So fitting.

  • SixMom Says:

    ?What do you mean animals can?t register to vote??

  • SixMom Says:

    ?Are you sure his signature doesn?t count??

  • M Says:

    Ventura endorses Paul

  • Matt "MWS" Says:

    Newt must have an angle here to make money.

  • Matt "MWS" Says:


    Is that supposed to help Paul establish his non-looniness?

  • Mark in PA Says:


    This is so gimmicky ? Newt has a thousand ideas ? some great and some not so? th problem with Newt is that he?s willing to try them all!!

  • aspire Says:

    8 That?s what I thought. He?s probably going to sell some pet book or something.

  • Boomer Says:


  • CraigS Says:

    Isn?t this the host of Wild Kingdom????


  • Saveourship Says:

    Very presidential.

  • K.G. Says:

    These are all hilarious?but IMO Boomer takes the prize. VERY good, Boom.

  • BuckeyeWeiss Says:

    Personally, I am an over-the-top pet lover myself but this is way too much. This is just hilarious. Another reason not to take Newt seriously.

  • K.G. Says:

    It?s not the cute little animal; it?s the hat. Some people just shouldn?t wear hats.

  • Massachusetts Conservative Says:

    Noot looks like a lawn gnome with that hat for some reason. Or some sort of mythical creature.

  • SixMom Says:

    ?Its your turn to do something funny for the camera. I did it last time.?

  • Massachusetts Conservative Says:

    Wow. HotAir is pre-eminently bashing Marco Rubio, calling him a fake Tea Partier and saying that they are expecting him to ditch the Tea Party in favor of corruption ? with no evidence even discussed.

    I don?t know alot about Rubio, I just find it a bit strange that he?s become such a rockstar and people act like he?ll definitely be a great president and should be on the short list for VP.

    I mean he hasn?t been in office that long at all and people are really jumping the gun.

    Rubio needs to weigh his options. Does he want to continue to be a ?Tea party? guy or does he want to payback for the donations?

    If he endorses Mittens, he?s dead to the Tea Party.

  • SixMom Says:

    ?Forget it. You are just not as evolved as I am.?

  • Reginald from texas Says:

    ?hey little fella, I can newter you with my bare hands?

  • Micah Says:

    Man, this might seal the deal for Newt. I was iffy on my support for him but now that I know he loves animals unlike Mitt who straps them to his roof, I?m sold!!!

    Newt/Lassie 2012!

  • Thomas Alan Says:


    This requires thought?

  • Brett Says:

    At least it isn?t an eagle. That?d actually make me gag.

  • Dave Gaultier Says:

    ?In order to win the evangelical vote, I am attempting to re-create Noah?s Ark. Now all I need to do is make sure that one of these suckers is male and one is female. Hang on, little fella, this won?t hurt a bit? Ah! My eye!?

  • Brett Says:

    Micah, I completely forgot about the Romney road trip with the dog. Yup. Too bad Newt treats animals better than wives.

  • Massachusetts Conservative Says:



  • Jonathan Says:

    I think Newt found his running mate.

  • Boomer Says:

    If only Newt had been neutered earlier in his life like my dog he would have had a lot less issues.

  • Bloodshy Says:

    17. ?It?s not the cute little animal; it?s the hat. Some people just shouldn?t wear hats.?

    I?d go a step further. It?s not the hat; it?s the head. But I?m not sure what he can do about that?

  • Mark in PA Says:

    Look up ?Zany? in the dictionary, and it will talk about doing things like this a couple days before the first Caucus in a presidential race!

  • K.G. Says:

    #31 Actually on second thought, I was thinking the same thing. The hat is fine; the animal is fine. It?s the great big fat Newt-head that?s the prob.

  • SixMom Says:

    My husband didn?t believe the photo was really from an official website and when I showed him, he was in disbelief, he paused and then he said, ?Must of been Callista?s brainstorming, she?s kind of weird?. ?Oh i know, people just LOVE pets?.?

    My 19-year-old daughter couldn?t stop laughing at all the comments.

  • Jack Bauer's Dad Says:

    One monkey to the other: ??and this is the all-too-common Washington Cooterhound.?

  • SixMom Says:

    From my 19-year old daughter Heather:

    ?I?ll let you hold my monkey if you vote for me.?

  • afk Says:

    Does using this picture allow Gingrich to deduct his entire vacation?

  • Colorado Guy Says:

    As an animal lover myself I say, fine, why the heck not?

    As far as the photo itself, cool. At least it?s doesn?t depict Newt strapping the family dog the roof of his car and subsequently barreling down the interstate. :)

  • zeek Says:

    Colorado guy of course you thought it looked cool, you were in the photo with him.
    (newt doesnt even bother to strap his wives on the hood he just jettisens them like unwanted baggage)

  • Noelle Says:

    My pet (a dog) is vehemently opposed to Newt Gingrich. He told me so. He is disgusted by Newt?s inability to be faithful to his family. My dog, recognizing that he too has weaknesses in this area, at least had the decency to get neutered, and therefore has never been in a committed relationship with another dog.

  • zeek Says:

    #39 In the spirit of newt I apologize for what I said to colorado guy, but historically it was not out of line considering the revolutionary war and the fact that I am much like Abraham lincoln.

  • zeek Says:

    #40 your comment reminds me of that classic far side cartoon ? The one where one dog is in the car and souts out to his fellow dog in the yard. With great price the pet dog brags??Ha Ha Guess what Rex, after we go to the store I get to go to the vet and get ?TUTORED?

    It seems to me that many times those who are so thrilled with being tutored by Newt end up have their causes nuetered by him.

  • zeek Says:

    ?Shouts? and ?pride? perhaps I could tell a joke better if I took time to spell check.

  • econ grad stud Says:

    Adulterous Heavy Petting with Newt Gingrich; guaranteed within 3 years of election to any political office.

  • SixMom Says:

    44. Econ,

    That?s some very sharp wit and sadly totally true.

  • SixMom Says:

    37. LOL

  • Thomas Alan Says:


    What a sad story.

  • Jerald Says:

    38.Colorado Guy Says:
    December 29th, 2011 at 11:49 pm
    As an animal lover myself I say, fine, why the heck not?

    As far as the photo itself, cool. At least it?s doesn?t depict Newt strapping the family dog the roof of his car and subsequently barreling down the interstate.

    Naw, the poor thing will just be lashed to the table for an endless series of book signings before becoming a nervous wreck and biting Callista??.You don?t wanna hear what happens to the poor thing after that?

  • Ryan60657 Says:

    Zany. This might be Newt?s ?Dukakis in the Tank? moment.

    ?Are there any interns here who would like to touch my monkey??

  • zeek Says:

    You guys are good. My family keeps asking me what I am laughing about.

  • Pets with Newt? | Race 4 2012 | cisacilef Says:

    [...] Source: [...]

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