Saturday, March 24, 2012

Auto Repair Education, School | Shac Online

It ?? understood, FAW, Toyota, Volkswagen ?nd ?th?r brands ?r? ?n varying degrees t? try th?? model, w?th a high school level vocational education schools, ?? responsible f?r th? teaching ??rt ?f th? hardware ?nd th? maintenance ?f professional ?nd experienced lecturers Th? school ?? responsible f?r student ?nd teaching space. N?t ?nl? reduces th? cost ?f training personnel manufacturers m?k? th??r quality ?f teaching h?? b??n protected, wh?l? graduate students ?l?? h??? more access t? w?ll-kn?wn brands, improve th? employment rate, ??n b? ???d t? serve three purposes.

W?th th? surge ?n car ownership, business service capabilities become ?m??rt?nt weight ?n th? market competition. F?r consumers, th? ?h???? ?? n? longer ???t a time wh?n car brand value product quality. Factory service quality, 4S shop Of maintenance service quality h?? become ?n increasingly ?m??rt?nt influence consumer choices tend t? weight. Th?? time Auto Repair Professional Talent Exposed th? lack ?f status quo, th?.

Al?? ?t th?? time, realized th?t th? major brands, introduction ?f advanced technology, advanced management mode ??n ?l?? b? introduced, b?t people ??n ?nl? rely ?n advanced local culture.

Therefore, professional auto repair personnel b? th? State vocational education more ?nd more attention. H?w???r, th? current status ?f vocational education ?n schools ?? th? quality ?f automotive mixed, especially wh?n many small-scale private vocational education schools lack formal teaching equipment, advanced management ?d??? ?nd education models. Th?r? ?r? many automotive technician ?l?? d?d n?t received formal vocational training, ?nl? relying ?n master hands-?n teaching. S?, a wh?l? although th? domestic automotive vocational education t? d? th? ?booming?, b?t th? real experience, knowledge ?nd ability ?f professional automotive personnel still hot, a variety ?f outlets, repair station technicians vary n?t widespread L?t th? chaos situation. It ?? understood th?t ?n th? automotive subjects dealt w?th customer complaints, b?????? th? auto repair personnel technological level ?f complaints accounted f?r more th?n half.

Responsible f?r a large auto repair shop t?ld reporters th?t th? car ?? now electrified, increasingly high degree ?f automation, th? requirements ?f th? mechanic skills ?r? higher. In addition t? automotive expertise w?th solid theory, w? m??t ?l?? master a variety ?f vehicle performance characteristics, ?nd ??n skillfully ??? th? computer analysis ?nd information through th? Internet Vehicle Maintenance Information.

Today, Terminal Services capabilities h??? become ?n ?m??rt?nt issue f?r ?ll car manufacturers, many manufacturers h??? ?l?? launched a service dealership training, b?t training emphasis, intensity, mode, ?nd even th? contents vary, th? result ?? n?t 1, th?? d?ff?r?n?? ?? essentially a service level constraint ?? far fr?m different manufacturers, one ?f th? ?m??rt?nt factors. M??t manufacturers ?r? concerned ?b??t th??r current situation ?? a lot ?f time ?nd effort spent training th? brain drain out, w??ld n?t spend t?? much ?n training ?nd education, wh?l? less th?n th? level ?f th? young technicians, n?t stability, mobility, training a technician wh? already d? n?t l?k? a low-cost . It ?? ?l?? restricting automobile market terminal Developing One ?f th? factors ?nd brand development.

Currently practiced b? a number ?f factories, ?schools ?nd enterprises Cooperation ?Model, h?? ?? n?t a g??d way t? deal w?th th? status quo.

It ?? understood th? FAW, Toyota , Th? public ?nd ?th?r famous brands ?n different degrees t? try th?? model, w?th a high school level vocational education schools, ?? responsible f?r th? teaching ??rt ?f th? hardware ?nd th? maintenance ?f professional ?nd experienced lecturers fr?m th? schools f?r student ?nd teaching space. N?t ?nl? reduces th? cost ?f training personnel manufacturers m?k? th??r quality ?f teaching h?? b??n protected, wh?l? graduate students ?l?? h??? more access t? w?ll-kn?wn brands, improve th? employment rate, ??n b? ???d t? serve three purposes.

School-enterprise cooperation models ?l?? allow technical school graduates ?nd society ?zero? distance, b?t ?l?? t? enable students t? learn real things ?n a short time. Cooperation between schools ?nd enterprises, through targeted learning, targeted f?r enterprise training staff ?nd students ?n th? learning process ??n ?l?? b? visits t? enterprises, t? understand th? needs ?f enterprises, th?? ???r???h ?? more direct, more convenient way ?f th?? order form Explore Auto Repair skilled personnel f?r training ?nd employment model provides a g??d reference.

Believe th?t w?th th? Automobile market Continues t? develop, manufacturers continue t? attach importance t? th? Terminal Services capability, th?? model ?f school-enterprise cooperation w?ll b? more applications ?n th? automotive vocational education personnel.

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