Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Skinny on Being a Successful SAHM | Skinny Mom | Tips for ...

I have been fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom for about 3 years now. I will be honest, it?is not always?butterfly & rainbows; several days I say to myself, ?Maybe it would be easier if I just went and got a JOB!? Well, that thought only lasts as long as the current?temper tantrum and then?I?m back to reality. I LOVE staying home with my kids and I could not imagine life any other way.

Over the last 3 years, I have struggled to find a good routine that makes life as a stay-at-home?a little easier. I can say that I have finally figured?out?what it takes to be a Successful Stay-At-Home Mom!

  • Get up before everyone else does! Yes I know, this is a very tough one but it is SO important. Get up before the rest of the family and get your?mind organized and ready to tackle the day.??Get up early enough to compose your?To Do list, exercise, shower/get ready, and anything else you prefer to do before the rest of the house wakes up!
  • Take a shower DAILY/ preferably in the morning! This may sound a little silly, but as moms we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves and actually take 15?minutes to shower each day. Some of you may be thinking, ?What?s the point? I am going to be covered in spit-up or green beans by noon!??Taking a shower first thing in the morning is a great way to get woken up, feeling refreshed?and ready to begin the day! The worst that will happen is you might?have to take another one?at night to wash away the day?s disasters!
  • Exercise daily/?(again) preferably in the morning! Get up and get your daily exercise routine over with. If you are anything like me, the earlier the better.?Being a mom and taking care of kids?is exhausting and by the end of the day the last thing I want to do is workout (I?ve been ?working out? all day right!?!) Plus, working out in the morning gets your metabolism going and actually gives you more energy throughout the day! Check out: 5 Reasons Why Working Out In The Morning Makes Sense When Trying to Lose Weight.
  • Get out of your PJ?s! Yes I know, they are comfortable and you are just going to be at the house so why change clothes, right?!? Wrong! I am not saying you have to get dressed up in skinny jeans and high heels every day, but just get out of your pajamas! Put on a some cute workout?clothes or even a?sassy pair of sweatpants, but I repeat ?GET OUT OF YOUR PJ?S!? Pajamas are associated with bedtime, therefore, the longer you wear them the longer you will have the sleepy feeling.
  • Make money while you stay home with the kids! There are so many companies out there designed for stay-at-home or working moms. I.E. Mary Kay, Avon, Pure Romance, Youngevity, the list goes on.. Find something that interests you and make money while doing it. I chose Youngevity because I am interested in health and wellness and I LOVED their product. I started out just wanting to make enough to pay for our household vitamins and other supplements & before I knew it, I?was making a real income; almost as much as?I made?with my previous full-time job.?Another option to make money, babysit a couple of kids at your house or sell something you enjoy making. Just find something that?interests you and make money off of it!?Your husband will be happy! :)
  • Eat healthy & Take Vitamins! As moms, it is like we are constantly running a marathon! I don?t know about you, but I would not be able to get through the day if i did not eat healthy and take vitamins! I choose to eat 5 small meals a day opposed to 3 large meals, and I take vitamins to ensure that I am getting all 90 essential nutrients my body needs! Check out my previous post Get the Skinny on Vitamins That Work!
  • Get some ?YOU? time while the kids nap! The most popular advice you get when you are pregnant or just had a baby is ?Sleep when the baby?sleeps!? or ??Get as much done as you can while the kids?nap???Yes, I agree with both of these BUT I also think it is a great?opportunity to enjoy some ?YOU? time! Stay-at-home moms often think they need to get EVERYTHING done in the 1-3 hours that the kids are asleep. I suggest: read a book (not brown bear, brown bear) a real ADULT book, take a hot afternoon bath, catch up on your favorite T.V. show, call a friend, go to the bathroom by yourself:), be creative! Whatever you choose to do is up to you, but try not to always use nap time to clean, clean, clean, remember?we need our sanity just as much as we need a clean house (if not more)!
  • Join a Mommy & Me playgroup! I would say that one of the most common complaints I hear from other SAHMs is: lack of adult interaction. By joining a Mommy & Me playgroup, you get adult interaction while the kiddos get to socialize with others their age. Also, it gets you out of the house and involved in things that you may not know about if it weren?t for your involvement with the group. Try out a couple of Mommy & Me groups around your area, and pick the one that you fill the most connection with.
  • Ask for help/ take a break! As moms, we often think we can do it all, we are SUPER MOM! Yes, you may be super mom but even super mom needs a break from time-to-time! Ask hubby to take the kids for a night and go get a little pampering done or meet an old friend for dinner. Grandparents are usually more than happy to watch the kids for a couple of hours, get out for a much needed date night with your husband and?enjoy some adult only time!
  • Look at the bright side of EVERY DAY! This is the most important tip I can offer! ?Not every day is a good day, but there?s something good in every day!?~Author Unknown.?We often focus on what is going wrong in our day, next time focus on what is going right and try to look on the bright side! Kids feed off of adult?s mood/ attitude, if you stay positive chances are they will too!

Being a stay-at-home mom is not always easy, but if you?follow the?tips above you CAN be a ?Successful Stay-At-Home Mom!? Please share some of your experiences or tips on being a stay-at-home mom!



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